Association Membership
We are active partners in science and society. Take a look at the associations and working groups in which we participate.
We are members of these associations:
HTC-Netzwerk für Hydrothermale Carbonisierung
(HTC network for hydrothermal carbonisation)
Association for Geoecology in Germany
(Verband für Geoökologie in Deutschland e.V., VGöD)
German Soil Science Society
(Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft, DGB)
We are active in the following working groups:
Expert Board for the German Standard DIN 19715 (Expertenausschuss zur Norm "Probenahme von Bodenwasser zur Bestimmung der Inhaltsstoffe und Abschätzung von Sickerfrachten", DIN 19715)
Nitrate working group of ZWO (Nitratarbeitsgruppe des Zweckverbandes Wasserversorgung Stadt und Kreis Offenbach, ZWO, in German)
Working group "Nitrate losses from horticulture" of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg