Abandoned and Contaminated SitesBuying or selling a piece of land may be a risk due to unknown environmental hazards hidden on the site. The polluter or - if not available - his legal successor is held liable for decontamination and/or land reclamation in many countries. We explore suspected sites following the high standards of the German soil protection law (Bundesbodenschutzgesetz) or other applicable guidelines. more...
Field MethodsAs a consultancy for soil and water we apply a lot of different sampling techniques for organic and inorganic substances, nutrients and toxics in all environmental compartments, e.g. under exclusion of air or using isotopes etc. more...
SIA MethodThe Self-Integrating Accumulator (SIA) method measures the total losses of a wide range of chemical substances from the root zone into the groundwater. It does not interfere with superficial activities like ploughing and samples all solutes of interest from the soil leachate. more...
Field InvestigationsWith more than 100 fields under study, we are very experienced in the transport of nutrients and contaminants in soil and water. more...
Laboratory InvestigationsWe conduct experiments to analyse the processes and interaction strengths of contaminants or nutrients in the soil-water system. This may be useful to assess risks in the environment or understand the behaviour of substances in special circumstances. more...
Data EvaluationWe have a thorough understanding of environmental data from our large field and laboratory data sets and from the wide range of studies we have already performed. We can use this to evaluate your data and interpret the underlying mechanisms and reasons. more...
GISWe use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) like ArcGIS® and other programmes as tools for the visualisation and interpretation of spatial data. We also calculate the effects of land use scenarios on different indicators using GIS. more...